The Farm:
Fox Farm & Forage, LLC is a small, locally owned and operated farm that produces quality gourmet fresh mushrooms that are all grown indoors in a controlled environment utilizing sustainable farming practices. We use organic substrates as much as possible and offer foraged mushrooms when they are available.
Amy Fox:
It is just me, Amy M. Fox, RN-BSN, with my mushroom madness. My obsession with mushroom foraging spawned (pun intended) this venture, and I put countless hours into cultivated growth research and maintenance. Having a type A perfectionist personality is a plus in this business!
I am an extremely happily married mother of two young adults. I have three degrees: a Bachelor’s in Zoology, an Associate’s in Nursing, and a Bachelor’s in Nursing. My official title is RN-BSN but I am not currently practicing. Instead, my attention is focused on, you guessed it: mushrooms!
Being a nurse does come in handy though– it means that I am a freak about safety when it comes to mushrooms including the cleanliness of my operation, my extreme caution when it comes to foraged items, and my recognition that just because it is found in nature and dubbed “natural”, it may not be safe. Also, as a nurse (as well as someone who studies and practices herbalism), I recognize that some mushrooms have medicinal qualities that can amplify or inhibit the actions of some medications.
I am a nerd. Yep, I said it. I. AM. A. NERD. And proud of it! That quality comes in handy because I enjoy the research that is necessary to pursue this multifaceted venture. I love to learn, and each day that I learn something new, I realize how small my personal pool of knowledge is as compared to the vast ocean that exists.
I have stated who I am but I want to be sure that I am clear on who I am not. I am not an expert on the subject of mycology. There is so much for me to learn. On that note, off to do some more research…